Custom Woodworking Shop

Onefinity CNC Wasteboard surfacing and Grid for Journeyman (Metric)


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These are digital files for the Onefinity CNC, model Journeyman X-50. This is for full waste board for Metric users.
The grid is in 2cm increments. For a full board no T-Tracks.

See Onefinity CNC product information:

SVG and CRV(VCarve) files included.

Vectric VCarve and Pro version 11.x

Created three tools paths within the V-Carve file. Full board surfacing, Numbers, and Grid lines.

After you have mounted your MDF to your table you will surface then you will need to redo the z axis by either manually or with the probe before doing the grid.

Please verify the tool paths making changes to the end mills that you will be using.

Next change to your v-bit. You will need to zero and set the ZYX to the front corner of first board on the left. It may need to be done manually because the probe may register the tool path as over the limit. The Whiteside V-Bit (1550) (60 deg 0.5 inches) is the v-bit that was used.

Also have included the SVG file. Please note VCarve will show errors because the lines are open and not closed, please let me know if you have any issues.
Please do not share or repost theses file online. If any error found these files please let me know.